TOMMY Sheridan, joint convener of Solidarity was at Ayr Town Hall to tell the residents of South Ayrshire why they should support the socialist group.

The party was formed in late 2006 but went through a rocky patch when Mr Sheridan was involved in a much-publicised court case. In the run up to the Scottish Parliamentary Elections the movement have began campaigning in South Ayrshire. 

Mr Sheridan and local campaigners of Solidarity have taken to the streets of Ayr, Troon and Girvan to promote their views and believe they have received positive feedback from locals.

Mr Sheridan told the Ayr Advertiser: “This is the first public meeting of the election. I have done loads of meetings in Ayr before including the bedroom tax and the independence referendum.

“Cheryl Scott is the top list candidate for the South of Scotland which includes South Ayrshire. They have been having a lot of stalls and the response has been fantastic. 

“The truth is a lot of people do not know about us.”

Mr Sheridan also informed the Advertiser that he had not yet been to Troon or Girvan but would be led by the local campaigners as previous meetings in these areas seemed to have gone smoothly. 

The socialist has strong connections with Ayrshire. He said: “I can trace my roots to Ayr that go way back to the Killoch Colliery. 

“I was here in 1984 to picket in support of the miners at Barony as well so unfortunately they do not exist any more as you know but I have been coming to Ayr and Ayrshire for many many years.

“We have had loads of campaigns and I am very proud tonight to share a platform with a former miner - Jim Walls who was not only a miner but a miners’ representative.

“More critically it has been an honour to share a platform with Jim’s daughter Kayleigh, another candidate who is only 17, whose speech was brilliant. I now know that Solidarity is in good hands.”

Mr Sheridan believes that Solidarity is part of the ‘Yes’ family and supports the SNP but will oppose bills they do not approve of. 

He continued: “The party is a supporter of independence, socialism, public ownership, union rights and pro equality. We’ve always tried to champion the cause of the underdog.

“We also stand firmly against fracking and Trident. We want to introduce a bill that would stop the NHS being ripped off by the private pharmaceutical companies. 

“We want to fight the cuts as there is no reason for the cuts, we live in a very very rich society. 


“The rich are richer than they have ever been so why have we got cuts? Let’s take more money off the rich and less off the poor.

“We also want to introduce a Right of Recall Bill - so the MSPs that break promises don’ t get kept in power for five years and you can’t get rid of them to the end.”

Solidarity say they believe in a better, fairer and equal Scotland.