FRIENDS of Belleisle are hosting their very own event at the conservatory to raise awareness of the plight of the bee.

Don’t step on the bee campaign will run on Sunday, July 9 
The event will include a number of activities including: honey tasting, 
bee crafts,  games,  bee walks  and candle making sessions.

There will also be an observation hive, a honey shop, exercise boards and much more topics to get involved in. 

This year bee campaigners are calling for help to protect the precious bees. 

The ‘Bee Crisis’ has been hard to ignore. 
Not only do bees help provide honey, propolis and beeswax contained within favourite Bee Good products, they also help to keep the population fed and watered.

Without the tireless work of the little buzzing friends, over a third of everything eaten would disappear. 

The event at Belleisle will run from 12pm until 4pm.