DONATIONS are the ‘bread and butter’ of any charity organisation and Girvan lifeboat station is no different.

On Sunday, October 15 the lifeboat crew were delighted to welcome Sanny and his family from local Fish and chip shop and restaurant Graziano’s - Harbour Cafe - to present a cheque for £400.

This added to the £500 already donated by them, giving a grand total to date of £900 donated by 5p takeaway carrier bag sales to Girvan Lifeboat, that is indeed a lot of chips.

Sanny, and his staff are long supporters of Girvan Lifeboat, not only their continuous support with the carrier bag sales, but also the harbour gala where they also donate soft drinks and equipment for them to use every year.

Girvan lifeboats would like to extend their thanks to Sanny, and Graziano’s for their generous donation.

They are grateful to have a long history of support from the local community and businesses both in the town and outside.